Monday, March 16, 2009

Milestones...1 month going on 2 months!

We all have goals, milestones that we wish to reach in our lives. They can be personal milestones, professional milestones. As parents, I've found, you not only have milestones you wish to reach for yourself but you have them for your children. I'll have to admit that previous to 9.12.08, the day we received Eva's diagnosis, I too had dreams for my little one, milestones I wished for her to reach, graduation, marriage, to be a parent. I can tell you that Jose and I mourned for those dreams but we didn't mourn for long. The Lord finds His way into your heart and comforts you. He comforted us, our dreams and hopes changed for Eva and she has made us so proud. We wished that she would be happy that we would be able to meet her, to hold her and to feel her warm face against ours. Although, I know I may never see her graduate, or get married or be a mother, she has fulfilled every wish we could have for her. She has reached some of her milestones and more! 

On January 28th we got to meet our baby girl, her daddy got to hold her; on January 30th I got to hold her. A week later we got to bring our brave girl home with us and 3 weeks after that she celebrated her 1 month b-day and Abuelita Luz got to hold her as well! 

This week Eva is 7 weeks old. We are so proud of her and so grateful to have her for as long as we have. Jose and I have held her, kissed her and comforted her and we know she is happy to be with us. She has fulfilled every wish we have for her. Everyday from here on out is a blessing, a gift, one day extra that we hadn't expected. She has helped us understand to never take anything or experience for granted. We love you Eva!

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