Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas...let me tell you why I love it!

I'll have to be honest, I never was a real big fan of Christmas. I have always appreciated the meaning of the season, however, the extreme commercialism was just a big turn off. Nothing bad happened to me as a child or anything. No sad Christmas', I don't have some traumatic story or anything, I just grew tired of the shopping, shopping, shopping (PS..I'm not a big fan of shopping either) and the asking, asking, asking for everything. The commercials were also a little much, everything on TV is a must have item, I mean really how many toys does a kid need. So, of course, I marry Mr. "I love Christmas". Soon after we were married I had to break it to my husband that I am not a fan of Christmas, he was shocked and appalled, how can anyone not be a fan of Christmas?! Let me tell you the greatest thing about my husband, he grew up in a humble home, not poor but humble, so he didn't love Christmas because that's when you got great gifts and everything you wanted. He loved Christmas truly because of the meaning and the spirit that Christmas represented, Christmas day he loves to read the story of the birth of Christ from the bible; the humble beginnings of our Savior. And caroling, he loves Christmas music. In my whole life I have not had better Christmas' then I have had these last two years with my husband. This year there were no gifts, we didn't open any presents on Christmas morning but it was the best Christmas ever! Ah...please don't play any sad songs for us, I am serious it was the best Christmas ever, PRESENTS DO NOT MAKE A CHRISTMAS!! We unpacked boxes and cooked up a storm we played holiday music and Skyped with family. No,I'm not delusional, I know I'm a mother and I know that someday we will have money and we won't always be this poor and seeing the joy in my child's eyes will make me melt but these last two years and the next few poor years that follow I guess I want to learn how to instill in our children that Christmas is about family, good friends, making things like food or treats to give away, love and especially time together remembering the birth of our Savior! Traditions, like tamales, pozole, bunuelos are also pretty good!! I really want those gifts to be secondary, Santa to be a wonderful story but not someone to really believe in, kind of like Mickey Mouse or the Princesses. I know don't shoot me because I said no Santa. I didn't grow up with the whole Santa story, actually I believe most Latin children didn't.

So, can someone change you? Yes! I have come to love this holiday and the true spirit that surrounds it, I have also come to learn to stay away from the mall and if there are going to be gifts, getting them slowly through out the year is shoppers are crazy...LOL!

Merry CHRISTmas Everyone!! We hope your holiday was filled with love, family, friends and traditions!!

Los Pena

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