Welcome baby!!! Evandro Nicolás Peña was born on 6/21 at 6:58am, 8lbs, 12oz and 21 inches long!! I can not tell you how amazing it was to see him all red and gooey, he was real. Its funny for me being pregnant was some thing so separate and distinct to having the baby. Ok, I know it sounds weird, cause of course its separate and distinct! But I guess, being pregnant you have the things you love about it and just grow accustomed to and then when the baby is gone from your belly, you miss them there. You have fantasies about how that little baby is going to be, what they will look like and act like. When they are born, its a start over, they are who they are, they look as they look and it catches you off guard! When I saw Evandro, it was instant water works! He was real and beautiful and healthy! Eva looked the same to me when she was born, I guess that's why it was still a shock to hear her confirmed diagnosis two days later! With Evandro, I got to keep him in my room the whole time in the hospital. I could hold him as much as I wanted to!!! I held him tight for all the times I could not hold my sweet Eva while she was in the NICU and I as recovering.
He is 2weeks old this week and we are still getting to know him. Its funny how some of our family asks, "Has he done this.. or that.." "Is he _____ yet". I have to remind them that he is only 2weeks old, he is just learning about eating, pooing, and sleeping! He probably won't being doing a lot of anything until at least 2 months. Sometimes I feel like, my poor son will have the weight of all that Eva couldn't do all on him. Well, that's what mom and dad are here for, to remind people that Evandro is his own person, with his own expectations and set of accomplishments! Its a slippery slope, we are all so excited to meet this healthy boy, yet we can forget he is still a fragile little person!
Jose and I are loving our newest member, last night Jose, Eva, Evandro and I just laid in bed together. It was amazing to look at both of our children just laying there. Yesterday, July 7, was the 3 year anniversary of Jose and I's second date (the best ever)! Today is the 4 year anniversary of my baptism into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!! It amazes me how much time changes things and people, just three years ago, I was getting to know Jose and here we are parents to two children!
I love my family, I love being a mother and wife!! I am so grateful for my life!!