So our little one is 12 weeks today! How exciting, I can honestly tell you that 3 months seemed like centuries away. Eva is amazing!
The weather is finally looking up, yes it snowed here like last week!! We love our walks as well as mommy needing to get back into to shape for baby #2! No we are not pregnant but we would love to be by the end of the year or the beginning of 2010! Hey we believe Eva needs a little brother or sister to admire her.
So much has been going on, hence me not blogging for awhile. Well, Jose got a full tuition scholarship for Spring/Summer term, it came out of the blue--it seemed--and was an answer to our prayers! He will be able to make up some of the classes that he dropped during winter semester. He is also starting mentored research this semester and is so excited and nervous all at the same time. He has gotten some great responses from professors and so far has chosen one of the more challenging labs to do research but also the one that has the best reputation, its the cancer research lab on campus. Some say it is one of the surest ways to get into medical school--ha, who knows. Eva, Jose and I have enjoyed this "break" from school. We have taken soooooo many pictures of us and we have gone exploring in Provo. This is Jose's last week free from school, work and work...haha. We are trying to make the most out of it, we have just totally focused on our little family. We know that we will need this time and these experiences to get us through the more difficult times to come. He knows that committing to school and this mentored research we will not see him very much. Eva and I will be ok, though. I am so proud of Jose! I have albums on Facebook with pictures, I'm not that experienced with blogging.
Last night we had the best FHE (Family Home Evening), we talked about goals and how fortunate we are to belong to a church that values goal setting and progression. How we have prophets that counsel us to always look to make goals and to always find ways to progress and grow. It was a great FHE! So one of our goals in honor of Earth Day, we are going to be cleaner in our home and with our bodies. Jose and I and our friends Matt and Mele, are going to run the Provo River 1/2 marathon!!!! How fun is that! We have made weekly goals both for our physical and spiritual growth. You just can't have one with out the other! The race is in August and we have about 14 weeks to GET FIT! We both are kind of pumped about it, I hope we can stay pumped and that we can keep each other motivated.
Eva had a rough couple of weeks. There was a lot of activity in our house. When she gets irritated, she has an increase in seizures it takes a lot out of her and it almost seemed like she was just so tired of fighting. However, that next week we just chilled and we were back on Eva time and she actually slept A LOT. Well come that Friday her nurse, Margaret came to see her and she said she was looking good and that she was surprised how much better she was from the last visit. Eva is quite the little fighter! I have to admit it sometimes gets to me that my little one (medically speaking) has no cognitive thinking, no emotions, no real understanding or reasoning because of the part of the brain that she is missing. However, I am a Latter-Day Saint and of course, I know better. I know that her spirit knows me and knows how much her daddy and I love her! I feel as though Eva is the one taking care of Jose and I, she is so wise to what we need and for right now we do need her. I do pray that when the time comes we are able to set her free with out complaint. Maybe some crying and heartache, definitely but with the understanding of the Lord's greater plan for her and us. I can not even imagine what the Savior's mother felt to know what her son's charge in this life was to be. To love Him, to raise Him and then to watch Him be tortured and die a physical death. She is such an example to me of selflessness and love!